Monday, April 20, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
Tag Crowd fun!
Learn how to create a cloud tag from website or document. Click here to make your own Tag Crowd.
What is TagCrowd?
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What is TagCrowd?
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Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Job search food - Meals Ready to Eat
Photos and story by Jannet Walsh
Meals Ready to Eat – If you have pasta in your refrigerator from last night and a few other items, then you have a meal almost ready!
I found a recipe for a pasta frittata you might want to try. I made changes by adding onions, garlic and a few other items. It includes items you already have at home. Make sure you adjust the cooking time until the food no longer "moves" in the pan. After I removed the food from the oven, I flipped the pan to make it look even better!
You now have a few meals ready to eat, hot or cold, as you search for your next job opportunity!
See story link with recipe: Pasta Frittata
All photos taken with iPhone
Live green, save money
By Jannet Walsh
Save money and help save the world?
Check out this YouTube Live Green site and learn more.
Visit also: The Green Effect
What are you going to do today in your part of the world?
Save money and help save the world?
Check out this YouTube Live Green site and learn more.
Visit also: The Green Effect
What are you going to do today in your part of the world?
Friday, April 10, 2009
Unemployment rates by the numbers
Photo by Jannet Walsh via iPhone
Do you know the unemployment rates for your city, state and the United States?
Ocala, Florida: 12.3% (My city is currently the 4th highest in Florida.)
Florida: 9.4%
United States: 8.5%
Find the unemployment rate for your location by visiting the United States Department of Labor website.
Learn more about Jannet Walsh by visiting her featured story. A list of links to help you with your layoff or preparation you need to be doing now!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Create Your Own Job?
By Jannet Walsh
One of the many people I have encountered during my job search since my layoff just sent me an interesting story on Create your own job by Nick Corcodilos on his blog. Find out what a headhunter is suggesting in this current job market.
Have you created your personal job search motto yet? My motto is posted above in the banner of this blog.
See featured story on this blog - The Day the Job Died - Emergency response for lay offs
One of the many people I have encountered during my job search since my layoff just sent me an interesting story on Create your own job by Nick Corcodilos on his blog. Find out what a headhunter is suggesting in this current job market.
Have you created your personal job search motto yet? My motto is posted above in the banner of this blog.
See featured story on this blog - The Day the Job Died - Emergency response for lay offs
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Iphone blog test
By Jannet Walsh
This is a test to blog from iPhone.
By Jannet Walsh
This is my first try at posting direct from iPhone to blog.
Related video to start moblie blog
Related story
Blogger Moblie page
This is a test to blog from iPhone.
By Jannet Walsh
This is my first try at posting direct from iPhone to blog.
Related video to start moblie blog
Related story
Blogger Moblie page
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Florida's recovery plan
Video of Florida Governor Charlie Crist provided by The Florida Office of Economic Recovery
By Jannet Walsh
If you need to apply for food stamps, apply for unemployment compensation or more, click here for help on The Florida Office of Economic Recovery online site.
Take a look at The Florida Office of Economic Recovery. Here you can sign up for updates, find information related to jobs, health care, education and tax relief. View the related federal site.
Video: Change can be good
By Jannet Walsh
Here is another video I found that might help you rethink your current unemployment situation.
Do you see opportunity? Do you have a mentor? Do you have college alumni group to help you search for work?
Watch and start your path to your next job.
From CNN - Finding something you love
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Why did you leave your last job?
By Jannet Walsh
You will be asked at your next job interview, "Why did you leave your last job?" I am sure you will be asked this, especially if you were laid off. You need to be prepared.
Honesty is always the best policy. Read what Colleen Eddy From Poynter Online has to say about this sensitive topic.
View the archived live chat on this topic.
Weak links help you find work - learn how
By Jannet Walsh
Do you use Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin? Your weak links might turn into your strongest links to land your next job.
Learn more about Twitter and how online social networking could help you find your next job.
Here is a related story on networking from the New York Times.
My social networks
Linkedin (I don't use this as much as Twitter and Facebook.)
Friday, March 27, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Early Morning Show - CBS Job Squad
By Jannet Walsh
Here is another link that might be of help from the CBS Early Morning Show Job Squad. I have embedded the video below and here is the story link. Share any of your ideas to help friends and family, of course! The people you help might just be helping you in return.
Here is another link that might be of help from the CBS Early Morning Show Job Squad. I have embedded the video below and here is the story link. Share any of your ideas to help friends and family, of course! The people you help might just be helping you in return.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Self promotion: Campaign for marketing yourself
Uploaded on authorSTREAM by jannetwalsh
By Jannet Walsh
If you are looking for a job or your next opportunity, now is the time to plan your personal marketing campaign. YOU are the most important campaign you will promote. Why would someone want to hire you? Now is the time to plan your campaign strategy by updating your resume,creating a blog, posting your resume online and surrounding yourself with mentors.
How will you stand out of the crowd to get your next job? Start thinking now!
I have posted an online PowerPoint Presentation of a few examples of photos, videos, stories and multimedia. You can upload your presentation for free from I did have to re-work some of the headlines in the presentation as they changed after the upload. The hyperlinks are active to view examples of online work. You can also make it full screen by clicking on the little box in the right corner of the viewing box. Go take a peek and download the presentation!
Read more about this topic to create your own "brand" and learn to "pitch" yourself.
Need to hire someone? Learn why you should hire a journalist.
Here is a PowerPoint Presentation created in 2008.
Uploaded on authorSTREAM by jannetwalsh
Monday, March 23, 2009
Layoff guide?
Photo by Jannet Walsh
Do you have a guide to help survive your layoff?
If you are in living in the area of Citrus, Levy and Marion Counties in Florida, contact the Workforce Connection on how to get your guide.
Start your job search!
View Larger Map
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Crisis Económica - Padre Alberto Linero Gomez
Por Jannet Walsh
en Español
Crisis Económica
Padre Alberto Linero Gomez
de Eudista, Colombia
Marzo 21, 2009
Blessed Trinity Catholic Church
Ocala, Florida
©2009 Jannet Walsh
By Jannet Walsh
About the video
Sorry, but the video interview is in Spanish of the Rev. Alberto Linero Gomez,of Bogata, Colombia. He is a Roman Catholic priest visiting Ocala, Florida for a special "healing congress" at Blessed Trinity Catholic Church, March 21-22, 2009. It turns out that he is a celebrity in homeland on radio and television, from the religious order of Eduista, founded in the 1600s in France. Everyone wanted to have one of his many books autographed, of course! (I did not hound him for this, but had opportunity to practice my Spanish skills to make the video.)
The main message for me in the video of Rev. Linero about the current economic crisis was a chance for opportunity.
"Across from crisis you will find opportunity." - Rev. Alberto Linero Gomez
Also, the current crisis is a like a test of your "personal metal"or character. The fire or furnace, he compared to the current crisis, and the metal, meaning you, will burn away the impurities and make you a better person. I personally hope this proves to be true as the heat in the furnace has been very hot, almost unbearable.
About the photo
The photo posted above the video was taken with the traditional "Hail Mary" method. It's a term used in journalism schools, really. The special method simply means you need a prayer to get the photograph. It is usually employed when you are in a crowd and have no idea if you will be able to capture the photo. You just put the camera above your head and pray you get the photo. I turned the camera on myself and the Rev. Alberto Linero Gomez. Look behind us and you will see others laughing as I am doing this. Learn more about the tiny camera I used to make this photo and the video.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
How to stay "centered" in crisis
By Jannet Walsh
Good Morning America Radio recently interviewed Deepak Chopra, MD on how to cope during the current economic crisis. Listen and learn!
Good Morning America Radio recently interviewed Deepak Chopra, MD on how to cope during the current economic crisis. Listen and learn!
"You see opportunities where others see problems." -Deepak Chopra, MD
The birds for job searching
By Jannet Walsh
How does your backyard sound in the morning? Take a seat in the garden and listen. If you are searching for work, you can use this audio to stop and refresh.
Take a big breath and listen to the chorus of birds around 7 am I have in my backyard. The photo was taken in a friend's backyard. The audio was recorded on a small digital recorder.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Camp for the Laid Off?
By Jannet Walsh
I just received a message form Chris Colin, a writer from San Francisco, Ca. at SFGate, with the San Francisco Chronicle. He wrote about a special camp for people that have been laid off. It's not about swimming lessons and campfire, but about helping people that have been hit by the current economic crisis. Maybe there is something to learn. I guess would qualify for this camp! Read Colin's story with link.
Oh, that is me at a local vineyard in central Florida checking on the grapes.
Hire Jannet!
RELATED: The day my job died by Jannet Walsh
Jannet Walsh ©2009 .
All Rights Reserved. Contact Jannet for reprint rights.
Jannet Walsh was a staff photographer at the Star-Banner, in Ocala, Florida and The New York Times Regional Media Group until she was laid off on Oct. 17, 2008 due to the economic crisis. Contact:
Unemployment claim problems - USE CAUTION!
Update March 30, 2009 - Above is the online form I completed today. There has been no changes to the confusing form. (Double click to enlarge image.) - Jannet Walsh
By Jannet Walsh
If you are filing for your unemployment claim in the state of Florida, please use caution. Here is an example of what you might see. (Double click on image to view larger.) When you are asked if you looked for work you will find two circles to click on surrounding the Yes and no circle by the No.
If you select the circle to the right of Yes, that means No. You will be red flagged and your check will be delayed. I know this as I was, twice! That means - NO MONEY!
Hire Jannet!
RELATED: The day my job died by Jannet Walsh
Jannet Walsh ©2009 .
All Rights Reserved. Contact Jannet for reprint rights.
Jannet Walsh was a staff photographer at the Star-Banner, in Ocala, Florida and The New York Times Regional Media Group until she was laid off on Oct. 17, 2008 due to the economic crisis. Contact:
Lay off rethink. . .
By Jannet Walsh
I am one step closer to getting a new job. - Jannet Walsh
Visit my other blog:
Hire Jannet!
RELATED: The day my job died by Jannet Walsh
Jannet Walsh ©2009 .
All Rights Reserved. Contact Jannet for reprint rights.
Jannet Walsh was a staff photographer at the Star-Banner, in Ocala, Florida and The New York Times Regional Media Group until she was laid off on Oct. 17, 2008 due to the economic crisis. Contact:
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Reasons to hire a journalist
By Jannet Walsh
I just found a story written by Jill Geisler on Ten Reasons You Should Hire a Journalist. You might think of passing this on to your references to give them a few hints for their next letters of recommendation they will be writing for you.
Jannet Walsh was a staff photographer at the Star-Banner, in Ocala, Florida and The New York Times Regional Media Group until she was laid off on Oct. 17, 2008 due to the economic crisis. Contact:
Hire Jannet Walsh!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Yoga and more. . .
By Jannet Walsh
If you lost your job, like so many Americans, you might want to think about taking up exercise. Walking, swimming or just any exercise to get moving. Two years ago I visited the Amrit Yoga Institute and made an audio slide show. You might be inspired to add exercise to your job search schedule.
I found a story by Meghan Gibbons from The Washington Post about swimming that might help you get in the water. Here is the link.
Don't forget to file your unemployment claim on time!
Jannet Walsh was a staff photographer at the Star-Banner, in Ocala, Florida and The New York Times Regional Media Group until she was laid off on Oct. 17, 2008 due to the economic crisis. Contact:
Hire Jannet Walsh!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Job loss lament from a copy editor
By Jannet Walsh
I just found this song about a copy editors lament about losing a job. Just insert your former job title in the song.
Listen here
Learn more about this lament.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Just the facts - unemployment reality
Jannet Walsh, 2008, prior to her lay off playing a "glad tamborine." Learn more here.
By Jannet Walsh
Are you wondering what is the unemployment rate for Ocala, Florida? It is currently at 10.1 percent, according to the latest information from the United Sates Department of Labor. (Find your unemployment rate for your area in the US.)
If you are interested in more interesting facts as you search for work, collect unemployment and try to keep you head above water, then take a look at this story from Poytner Online by Al Tompkins.
Job fairs - Ocala, Florida - Get a job!
If you live near Ocala, Florida, you might want to check out the local job fairs. See the video below on how to dress for the interviews and job fairs. - Jannet Walsh
Downtown Square Job and Career Fair
Downtown Ocala
Ocala/Marion Job & Career Fair
10a.m. to 1p.m.
CFCC, Klein Ctr.
Employers: EMPLOYERS ONLY. For more information or to register for our next Job Fair, contact Melinda Roberts at (352) 873-7939, ext. 1215.
Job Candidates: Please stop by your local Workforce Connection Office to pick up your job fair reminder card. If you have question regarding this event, please call 840-5700 (Marion County) or 1-800-434-JOBS.
Click here for original source.
Downtown Square Job and Career Fair
Downtown Ocala
Ocala/Marion Job & Career Fair
10a.m. to 1p.m.
CFCC, Klein Ctr.
Employers: EMPLOYERS ONLY. For more information or to register for our next Job Fair, contact Melinda Roberts at (352) 873-7939, ext. 1215.
Job Candidates: Please stop by your local Workforce Connection Office to pick up your job fair reminder card. If you have question regarding this event, please call 840-5700 (Marion County) or 1-800-434-JOBS.
Click here for original source.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Got suffering? Join the party
Photo by Jannet Walsh, for Star-Banner©2008 Learn more about a champion of suffering, story and multimedia.
By Jannet Walsh
If you lost your job during the current economic crisis, you might find yourself suffering in many ways. Listen to National Public Radio response to this difficult topic of Repossessing Virture: Wise Voices from religion, science, industry and the arts.
Click here to learn more.
Direct podcast link
Obit for newspaper - Rocky Mountain News
Caution: Video may make you cry if you are compassionate. - Jannet Walsh
Final Edition from Matthew Roberts on Vimeo.
Final Edition from Matthew Roberts on Vimeo.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
The Day the Job Died - Emergency response for lay offs
©2009 Jannet Walsh
By Jannet Walsh
Ocala, Florida
Your job is dead.
The day you were laid off has left your mind spinning. You are stunned, crying and finding little hope inside and outside. I know how you feel. I felt all those things the day I was laid off from my dream job.
Here is a news flash: YOU DID NOTHING TO LOSE YOUR JOB. It is the result of the current economic crisis.
Still, it is time for the seven stages of grief and you need to make funeral arrangements for your job. You need to say goodbye and move on.
Many people are trying to help. Maybe they are saying God has a plan for you and that one window or door will close and another will open in your life. Everything is fine, just like the angelic Maria in the movie “Sound of Music” as she sings and plays her guitar on a mountaintop in Austria.
Right now you are nowhere near the mountaintop but deep in the valley of the sorrow. The pasture is not green and the valley is about as deep as it has ever been. Ask your friends that are telling you that God has a plan for you that they should notify you day or night if they are contacted by God with a plan!
Remind people using the word “fired,” meaning you did something to lose your job, that "fired" does not begin to describe your situation of being dismissed from your job.
The day my job died, here is how it happened for me: A supervisor called me to report to a room filled with colleagues. I am told my job has been made redundant, meaning I am no longer needed. Never mind that I am a good performer with years of experience, expertise in my field and winner of many awards including one just before being dismissed.
I'm sure your story is similar to mine. Perhaps you too answered calls in the middle of the night - you left your warm bed to take care of emergencies related to work, but that is not adequate service to save your job. People with less experience kept their jobs, but they might be making less money than you. In the end you will never know why they were kept and you were not. Let it go.
You have more education, speak more languages and so much more than the other workers that did not get cut. You might even hear complaining from the employees that are keeping their jobs because of new workload they have been assigned because you are no longer needed. Why are they resentful? They have a job.
I know it is hard but now it the time to take the high road. Do not show resentment or bitterness. Play nice with others, stay positive, as you will need to use your former employer as a reference. Heck, they may even come back in the future and ask you to work freelance.
Secure as much help as you can from them before you depart. Find out what training, severance and letters of references you can take from this situation in the most diplomatic way possible.
The bottom line is that it is all about the bottom line dollars and cents, when it comes to lay offs. On the job you might have made friends, developed professional relationships, but it is only a business relationship, nothing more. Really!
Now, take a big breath. Start thinking that you will get a better job in the future than the one you had! Your suffering will make you stronger than the employees that were not laid off. This makes you better in the long run and already a winner!
Your friends and family at this time are sharing in your employment death because they care so much for you. They will be suffering along side of you in their own way. This is the time to enlist their support, network connections and prayers.
Search and Recovery – First response plan
1. Update your resume
2. Call and email your business contacts that you are seeking employment. Apply for unemployment insurance
3. Get your future human resources recruiter working for you!
4. If you having difficulties handling your emotions, which is normal, reach out to your church, councilors or more. Emotions are your “human filters” when life is not completely in harmony.
5. Make a new business card, one that reflects who you want to be now.
6. Set up a Web page with your credentials and links to accomplishments, consider starting a blog.
7. Review your finances. Track everything you spend for one week. Eliminate anything deemed non-essential.
8. If you receive a severance package, pay down debt and start a savings plan.
Jannet Walsh ©2009 .
All Rights Reserved. Contact Jannet for reprint rights.
Jannet Walsh was a staff photographer at the Star-Banner, in Ocala, Florida and The New York Times Regional Media Group until she was laid off on Oct. 17, 2008 due to the economic crisis. Contact:
Hire Jannet Walsh!
Learn more about Jannet Walsh
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Search and Recovery: What do after you have been laid off
By Jannet Walsh
I will be sharing my ideas of how to search for work and recover after you have been laid off. My first posting will be about what do after you have been dismissed. Wit and wisdom will be applied as part my "prescription" during one of the most difficult career transitions you might experience.
While you are waiting for the first posting, please feel free to visit my online resume, video and photos! P.S. I am currently accepting full-time job offers! Serious employers may apply at -
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